Glen Cramer's 1993 Mazda B4000 Slam Halen with custom Eddie Van Halen Frankenstrat Eruption Wrap.

The Gately Audio 13,600 watt blow thru build features:

Six Gately Relentless 12" Subwoofers
Sundown Audio Salt 12K
Two Prototype Gately Audio mono blocks anodized red
Two Sundown Audio 200.4
Two Prototype Gately Audio 4 Channels anodized red
Two Sundown Audio Vex MidRange 8"
Two Sundown Audio Vex MidRange 10"
Eight B2 Audio Rage CDR horn tweeters
JL Twk 88
SMD Fuses
SMD XL 2 6 Spot
Two SMD Gately Terminals 


Update as of 10/24/23
Slam Halen has swapped out the SALT amps for 1 of 1 Gately red anodized amplifiers along with a new amp rack that braces the vehicle and holds the acrylic rear window.